
  • 高尔夫球旅游:我们帮助联系、策划、组织中国和新西兰两地的高尔夫球旅游项目。我们拒绝千篇一律,只支持私人定制。只有量身定做的才是最好的。
    Golf Tourism:We help contacting, planning, organizing golf tourism programme in both New Zealand and China. We never provide everyone with the same idea. Only tailor-made is it possible to create the best.

  • 移民:我们帮助客户处理各项新西兰移民业务,包括但不限于学生签证、工作签证、各类居民签证、访问签证、移民上诉、质疑信件回复(PPI信件回复)等等。我们对所有想要移民新西兰的客户都充满信心,但我们也意识到他们在复杂的移民问题中需要正确的帮助和引导。你需要一个可信任、值得托付的人来帮助你移民,我们就是你要找的人。
    Immigration:We help our clients dealing with all kinds of New Zealand immigration problems, including Student Visa, Work Visa, All kinds of Residents Visas, Visitor Visa, Appeal, Answering PPI letters. We have faith in all migrants who would like to come to New Zealand, but we also believe our help will always bring them better outcomes. We are the one you can trust and lean on.

  • 投资:我们的投资服务专注于新西兰大农业。
    Investment:We focus on investing on New Zealand Primary Industry (Farming).